Title I Services
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 provides federal funding to school districts to help students who need extra support to master grade-level curriculum.
Schools qualify based on the percentage of low-income families served.
RES and RMS are Title schools in our district.
Family Engagement Plan

Family Engagement Nights
Students and families are invited to join the RES and RMS staff for three Family Engagement and Information Nights throughout the school year. Families will receive an overview of Title I and have the opportunity to provide feedback to the district about Title I services. Additionally, there will be engaging academic activities for students and families to participate in based on the theme of each night.
Family Engagement and Information nights are scheduled to take place in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Please look for more information to be communicated through the RAPS app, Friday Folders (where applicable), social media, and ListServ.

Please contact the building principal or Assistant Superintendent, Desiree' Baerlocher for questions regarding Title I services.